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October breast cancer awareness month

 Breast Cancer Awareness: 10 Reasons That Can Increase Breast Cancer Risk
Learn 10 factors that can increase the risk of breast cancer. October is breast cancer awareness month

Breast cancer Awareness Month: October breast cancer awareness month What is the stage of breast cancer? Know here everything about it Breast Cancer Awareness Month: If detected early, treatment of breast cancer is possible. The stage of the disease plays an important role in its outcome. By: Doctor What are the stages of breast cancer? Know here everything about it Breast Cancer Awareness Month: If detected early, treatment of breast cancer is possible.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2021: Breast cancer has emerged as the most common cancer in women. In the past decade, it has overtaken cervical cancer in terms of incidence. Breast cancer occurs when certain breast cells grow abnormally and divide more rapidly than healthy cells, forming lumps. The cells can spread through the breast to lymph nodes or other parts of the body. Older age, history of prolonged menstruation, family history of breast cancer, obesity especially after menopause, fatty diet, high alcohol consumption, delayed first pregnancy and less breast-feeding, long-term hormone replacement therapy are some of the causes of breast cancer are common reasons.

Rooting out breast cancer is important because early detection can greatly improve a patient's chances of recovery. Women are suggested to check their breasts regularly from the age of 20 to assess for any abnormalities. One can also go for best screening methods like mammography along with sono-mammography from the age of 40 to detect breast cancer on time.

Breast Cancer Awareness October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. At this time, you should once again look at the factors that can increase your risk of breast cancer. After all, information is the only defence.

Breast Cancer Awareness:

 Breast cancer can happen to both men and women, although it is more common in women. There are many reasons due to which abnormal cells in the breasts take the form of lumps. If breast cancer is detected on time, then its treatment is completely possible. Like many diseases, people are not much aware about breast cancer. This is the reason why its cases are increasing continuously. For this reason every year the month of October is celebrated as Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

It is important for everyone to know that what are the reasons, due to which the risk of breast cancer increases.

Breast cancer signs…..

Breast lump or thickening of the skin that looks different from the rest of the skin around the breast, Changes in breast size, Changes in the skin of the breast, such as dimpling, Change in nipple shape, Peeling off the skin around the nipple, Scaling Redness, flaking or redness can be symptoms of breast cancer.

due to breast cancer

Based on the research done so far, it is believed that these hormone disturbances, poor lifestyle, and environmental can increase the risk of breast cancer. Also, about 5 to 10 percent of breast cancers are linked to gene mutations passed down through generations in the family.

Be careful when…

1. Family history of breast cancer If your mother, sister, or daughter has been diagnosed with breast cancer, especially at a young age, the risk of breast cancer is increased, but most people have no family history of the disease.

2. If there is cancer in one breast, then the risk of developing cancer in the other breast increases.

3. The risk of breast cancer in women is much higher than in men. The risk of breast cancer called lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) or atypical hyperplasia of the breast increases with age, infection, or injury to the breast.

4. Radiation can also be the cause of breast cancer. If your chest was exposed to radiation in childhood or adolescence, you are at increased risk of breast cancer.

5. Starting a period at a young age also increases the risk of breast cancer. If your periods start before the age of 12, you may have a higher risk of breast cancer than others.

6. Late Pregnancy Having the first child after the age of 30 may also increase the risk of breast cancer. Late pregnancy can also increase the risk of breast cancer at times.

7. Women who have never been pregnant have a higher risk of breast cancer than women who have had one or more pregnancies.

8. Consumption of alcohol for a long time and for a long time also increases the risk.

9. Postmenopausal hormone therapy may also be responsible for this. Women who take the hormone therapy estrogen and progesterone have an increased risk of cancer.

10. Early menopause also increases the risk of breast cancer.

Cancer can strike at any age. That's why we should always be alert.

Breast cancer awareness month when should a woman go for mammograms

Breast cancer has become the cause of death for women around the world. For which they need a regular check-up, which can save them from this danger. Therefore, keeping in mind their safety, women should get checked regularly.

You can get a mammogram done for breast cancer

Breast cancer awareness month when should a woman go for mammograms

 There are many types of tests done for breast cancer. One of which is the mammogram test. This is a kind of screening test. Which is done only on the advice of the doctor. Through this, it is found out that where there are lumps in the breast, which can go on to take the form of cancer. That's why a mammogram test is done. A study has found that, after this test, there has been a decrease in the mortality rate, while some people are still not able to believe this test. Let us tell you that, these tests are for women above 40.

Can women under 40 get breast cancer?

Young women believe that they cannot be a victim of breast cancer. It's not like this. Yes, it is true that the risk of breast cancer is highest in women above 40. But according to today's routine, even young women can become a victim of breast cancer. In such a situation, if you find any kind of signs related to breast cancer, then definitely get yourself tested.

Measures can reduce the risk of breast cancer

Keep your weight down so that you are less prone to it.

Don't drink alcohol.

Exercise daily.

Take special care of your diet.